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  • O'Duighan State News Agency

Rebellion in O'Duighan, Vice President declares secessionist government!

As of today, on 2/9/2021, the People's Socialist Republic of O'Duighan is now in a state of civil war. This occurred after Vice President Simbach A. Vazo voiced his concerns over the creation of the One Party Socialist government that has been implemented by State President Harold Duighan and his party, the Social Moralist People's Party. Harold Duighan decided to make concessions by abolishing the Theocracy, but refused to abolish the One Party system. Simbach responded by declaring the Free State of O'Duighan, in order for him to "defend democracy". The situation is now at a stalemate, with the nation being split in two factions, the Socialist Faction, and the Democratic Faction. It is hoped that Simbach and his Democrats will back down, but it seems that nothing is working.

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